A leaked image of the front panel of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note II has surfaced online. The image, provided to GSMArena.com by an anonymous tipster, shows that the design theme of the upcoming phablet (phone+tablet) is quite similar to that of the Samsung Galaxy S III.
The look is characterised by curved edges and a standard single hardware button flanked by a haptic key on either side. The Galaxy Note II is expected to be launched within the next few weeks, most likely during the SamsungUnpacked event on August 29, 2012.
In its post, GSMarena itself said that the authenticity of the image could not be verified by the tipster either, which casts some shadows over its credibility. However, rumours say that the design of the second generation Galaxy Note will be heavily inspired by Galaxy S III, thus gaining some credence to the image.
The post said that the tipster also provided data about the specifications of the yet-to-be-launched Note II. In line with speculations, these include a 5.5-inch SuperAMOLED touchscreen with regular RGB matrix. The tipster also informed GSMArena that the device was subjected for Full HD videos, but that put pressure on the battery of the device, and is likely to be shelved.
Another speculation reinforced by the post was the inclusion of a 1.5GHz Exynos 4 quad-core processor and 8MP rear camera. Samsung Galaxy Note is likely to be launched with Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), since the Jelly Bean update for the same is still under development, the post stated